Winter Workouts ending- Spring Season Ahead
For the past three months the Beantown Bombers players and coaches have arrived early or stayed up late to get their Workouts in at Sluggers and Hit Quarters. Winter Workouts are the Beantown Bombers version of Spring Training. Our team workouts prepare the players for Spring game play. This Winter, the Bombers added weekday small group clinics to workouts offered to the players. By all metrics, the preparation provided an amazing opportunity for players to prepare for a rugged game season. It was no small feet to offer all these opportunities to our players. The Bombers have hitting, pitching, fielding,catching and team practice going on seven days a week. With the addition of Coach Renzella, Cooper, Flynn, Brady, Stein, and Roberts to our small group training staff we brought years of coaching and playing experience to all our players. These staff additions allowed multitudes of different training slot options for players who may have a difficult time making their weekly team sessions.
The Winter Workouts distinguish the Beantown Bombers program because we offer the players the opportunity to play on a high school, intermediate, and small diamond infield, as well as in small groups. The team workouts put the players in real game situations, while at the same time allowing kids to use the cages to get hitting and pitching reps. In fact, the small group clinics are designed to allow players to get a continuance of what they are learning in the team setting and hone their skills regardless of age and timetable. It is this combination of workout opportunities that truly makes our off-season program second to none.
Now that the primary off-season work is behind us, we are set to transition to Spring games. As an organization we cannot wait to see all the hard work pay off with great individual and team play.

We wish all our teams luck in their upcoming season.